About us

Changing lives, changing futures.

About Us

COMMUNITY FOR SOCIAL WORK (CSW) is a grass root peoples’ organization, committed to evolving an alternative path of development in India, based on the principles of peoples’ empowerment, equity and sustainability. We believe in the women empowerment and also the principles of gender equality and equity for the all-round global development. We have evolved a cohesive and unique culture of our own to protect children. Our organisation has successfully established a good relationship and effective linkage with democrative structures functions in all tiers, state Govt , Central Govt , non Govts and a number of allied Institutions to interact ,share information and mobilise available resources for the poor and marginalised people of our area of operation.


and Sanitation programme


& Identification Programme


Initiative for Tribal Development


Library Promotion Program


Empowerment through knowledge , information , awareness , consciousness about rights and grass roots action , development through participation , local level planning and shared responsibility , growth by realizing the inherent potential of individuals  and finally to sustain the development process with transparency , accountability


The mission of the organization is to empower poor and weaker section of the society through education, enlightment, participation and organization building for the establishment of a self relient , self sufficient and just society , activities by optimum use of the local and natural resources towards sustainable development.


Empowering the poor people in urban and rural India to recognize their capacity to act to overcome the poverty , food insecurity and other injustice has been the primary focus of our developmental activities . To keep pace with the changing scenario the workers also have updated their knowledge and skill capacity programme have been continuing both in urban and rural areas. We continued to strengthened our parteners ability to plan , implement and monitor development programme for future sustainability.

Turning compassion into action