• Training on Youth
  • Awareness programme on environment Pollution
  • Awareness programme on Science and Technology


  • Training on Organic Farming
  • Training on Minority Development Programme
  • Demonstration of Bio Control Programme


  • Empowerment of Women
  • Countering Trafficking children
  • Technology Demonstration Programme


  • Workshop on Sustainable Rural Development
  • Vocational Training Programme for SC, OBC,ST
  • Science Popularisation Programme

Existing Manpower (Research)


Research Fellow (JRF/ SRF)



Lab Technician



 Research Assistant









Field Assistant






(i)To conduct laboratory &field based research (R&D) activities in  problematic belt of Coastal area  on “Coastal Habitats & Ecosystems”

(ii) To find out  alternative pathway for profitable farming practice in Laterite Belt of West Bengal

(iii)  Soil and water testing for long term fertility of soil by maintaining soil organic matter level, fostering soil and biological activity and careful mechanical inversion, use of eco- friendly pest management for crop protection measure through on station farm participatory research and adopting indigenous technology knowledge i.e. IPM and INM.

(iv) Conduct need based research experiment  for quality test of solid waste and its  development through recycling process for proper management   in field level 

(v) Demonstration and promote indigenous technique and build up technological competence among common people

(vi)Improvement / up-gradation of Scientific knowledge through science popularisation programme

(vii) Identification of  the lacunae in the existing livelihood systems and provide  need based technology for  alternate support  systems so that the income of the rural mass can be enhanced.

(viii) Research and Demonstration activities  though adopting IOFS (Integrated Organic Farming System) model for sustainable livelihood of rural communities


(I) Bio- Azo ( Mixture of Azotobacter +Compostable Material + Renewal Source )

Recommended Dose is 15-25 kg / bigha. Applicable for the minor crop  particularly for Rabi season crop eg Onion (  Scientific Name –Allium cepa) , Radis (Scientific Name –Raphanus sativus) , Carrot (Scientific Name –Daucus carrota) , Beet leaf (Scientific Name –Beta vulgeris) , Chillies (Scientific Name –Capsicum annum)  , Cabbage (Scientific Name – Brassica oleracea) ,Corander (Scientific Name –Coriandum Sativum) and KnolKholetc (Scientific Name –Brasiccaoleraccea var Capitata

(ii)  Bio – NPK Fertilizer( Mixture of  Organic Product and NPK fertilizer  in 2: 1 ratio )

  Recommended dose is 20-28 kg / bigha and it is applicable  to avoid chemical fertilizer  completely in case of the major field crop like Rape seed  and Mustered ( Scientific Name – Brassica napus) , Peanut (Scientific Name –Arachis hypogaea) , Sunflower (Scientific Name -HelianthusSp), Soyabean (Scientific Name- Glycine max) , Seasame (Scientific Name-Sesamum indicum) & Linseed  (Scientific Name -Linumusitatissimum). etc

 (iii) Sudha fruit  and Flower Preventer ( Mixture of Humic acid and Amino acid in 2.5:1 ratio )

Recommended dose is 1ml/lit of water for all types of flower & 5 ml /lit of water for all types of fruits  . Application is done as foliar spray    during flowering and 10 days before harvesting .  The main advantage is (a) Prevent flower & fruits drop (b) Initiate flowering during off season and (c)Increases size of flower and fruit.  It is applied mainly the fruits like   Mango (Scientific Name –Mangifera indica L.),Guava (Scientific Name –Psidium guajava), Litchi (Scientific Name –Litchi chinensis)  and in  case of flower  like Marigold (Scientific Name -Tagetes sp ),Chrysanthemum(Scientific Name -Chrysanthemum sp) & Rose (Scientific Name -Rosa Hybrida ) etc.

(iv) BT pesticide :  ( Mixture of Tricodermaveridi and BaccilillusThorengesis ) :

Recommended dose is 2.5 ml in 1 lit water for three times at seedling stages , flowering stages and panicle stages . It is applicable  for minor crop particularly vegetable (a) During Kharif Seasson :  Example –  Brinjal (Scientific Name —Solanum Melongena) , Bottle Gourd (Scientific Name —Lagenaria Sisceraria) &Kachri (Scientific Name —Cucumis Callosus)  etc (b)During Summer Season : Example – Lady Finger (Scientific Name —Abelmoschus esculentus) , Long Melon (Scientific Name —Cucumis Melo) , Ridge Gourd (Scientific Name —Luffa acutangula) &Amarantus (Scientific Name —Amarantus tricolor)etc 


(i)Promoting Diversified and Mixed Farming systems

(ii)Effective management of available water resources

(iii)Balanced use of fertilizers and micro-nutrients as per local recommendations

(iv)Integrated Pest Management or IPM for low cost sustainable pest and diseases preventive measure that provides the most cost-effective, environmentally sound and socially acceptable method of managing diseases, insects, weeds and other pests management methods is the best combination of cultural, biological and chemical  measures

(v) Commercial raising of  fish in tanks or fish ponds 

(vi) Removal of drainage congestion & rainwater storage from cultivated plots to prevent ingress of saline water .

(vii) Establishment of low cost – Vegetable raising structure to provide  an opportunity to grow vegetables/fruits/ cut flowers/ orchids/ other economic crops in off-season

(viii) Income generation programme through improving market outlay for selling the excess product in collective way by formation of  SHG and FG

(ix) Knowledge up-gradation Programme on environmental aspects

(x) Segregation methods of biodegradable and non-degradable  solid waste 


  • Re-organizing the Farming systems in integrated way for improving soil physico-chemical properties , crop productivity with improving the eco-system
  • Energy Conservation by recycling of plant nutrient through organic management practice based on bio-degradable material, Create closed nutrient cycle with the help of composting , mulching , green manuring, crop rotation and cultivation of nitrogen fixing plant to maintain  and increase long term fertility of soils
  • Soil and water conservation as a unit of ecological system based on existing land and water resources in farms as are present in the coastal area, Land development through bunding / terracing, Water harvesting structures / water storage tanks ,Runoff collection etc
  • Assessment of Water quality like (i) pH (ii) Electrical conductivity (iii) Total organic matter in discharged water(iv) Particulate carbon (v) Suspended solids (vi)  BOD of  discharged pond water (vii) Dissolved  oxygen (DO) of discharged pond water (viii)Total Nitrogen &NH4+/NO3_  species abundant  (ix) Organic nitrogen (x)Total Phosphorus (xi)Water soluble phosphorus (xii)Citrate soluble phosphorus (xiii)Nitrifying bacteria (xiv)Microbial count. In addition analyse . sulfide ion (S2−), Water-soluble sulfides( H2S)  and  S32− anions
  • Soil quality assessment of cultivated fields : Assessment of the soil quality both (i)Chemical properties like Soil pH , Ec, Organic Carbon(in %),Available P2O5(Kg /ha), Available  K2O(Kg /ha)  , Available  N(Kg /ha)  ,  CEC[c mol (p+) kg-1]  (ii)  Physical properties like Soil porosity (in %) , Particle Density (gm/cc), Balk Density (gm/cc) and Water Holding Capacity(in %)  (iii) Biological Characteristics  like  Bacterial Count Colony (CFU/Gm), Actinomycetes (CFU/Gm), Fungi(CFU/Gm).
  • Assessment of Heavy metal in cultivated fields :  Assess the accumulation  of  heavy  metal  in the cultivate land like  Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Cobalt (Co), Lead (Pb),  Cadmium (CD). Nickel (Ni), Iron ( Fe)  , Manganese ( Mn) ,  Arsenic ( As) & Mercury ( Hg) etc
  • Reclamation  Of  Toxic effect  :Adopted Strategy  through proper agronomic practice , sweet water harvest , use of organic compost and application of judicious agril input to obtain  maximum output and  profit maximization through group formation  in future



(i)Common Codex For Integrated  Farming system: Initiation of integrated Farming in the coastal area to provide continuously a wide range of food as well as fibre and renewable materials of the highest quality at affordable prices to the consumer

(ii)Manuring and Fertilization and Pest Management For Higher  Crop Production

  Techniques developed through incorporation of green manuring crops in the aman paddy field became  popular practice. Direct seeding of Dhaincha in the later part of summer months and ploughing the plants with the onset of monsson , i.e. after the crop attaining knee height, ploughing down it with the soil would give  a good organic matter status which in turn improves soil physical condition and at the same time improves nitrogen fixation, plant nutrient uptake.

(iii) Sustaining Environmental  Resources: Technique Developed to ensure  soil fertility , protect water  and air quality and encourage bio-diversity for initiation of bio diversified  Farming in the laterite belt  is to provide continuously a wide range of food as well as fibre and renewable materials of the highest quality at affordable prices to the consumer

(iv) Technique adopted to prepare soil fertility maps and restricted use of chemicals or industrial  product and apply organic  manure through recycling natural resource ,soil health management practices based on prepared soil fertility maps, soil test based application of macro & micro nutrients, judicious use of fertilizers and encouraging more applications of FYM/Vermi Compost/Organic manures as the part of  organic farming

(v) Management of Crop Health:. Pest prevention measure techniques such as sowing resistant verities , adjusting crop rotation, timing of cultivation and drilling and anticipating likely pest problems through an understanding of their biology are developed . Being aware of the economic significance and ecological importance of different pests and their damage thresholds justify every action on economic and environmental grounds.

(vi) Soil and Water Management In Mangrove Areas :The techniques  involve(a) A detailed  understanding of the physical and chemical status of the soils of the farm (b)Maintaining  or enhancing soil organic matter content  (c)Adoption of cultivation practices that minimize damage  to soil structure , such as minimum tillage , combined operations , attention to vehicle size , wheels.  The  main advantage  is :

  • Improving Nutrient Cycle : Excreta contains several nutrient (including nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium)and organic matter which are important for maintaining soil structure and fertility . Through its use , production is increased while the risk of soil degradation is reduced .
  • Providing energy :  Excreta is the basis for the production of biogas and energy for household use or for rural industries . Fuel in the form of biogas or cakes replace charcoal and wood.



  • Soil building practices such as crop rotations, symbiotic associations, cover crops, organic fertilizers and minimum tillage are central to Diversified Farming Practice (DFS practices). These encourage soil fauna and flora, improving soil formation and structure and creating more stable systems. DFS practices also represent real opportunities on several levels, contributing to rural economics through sustainable development. As well as the environmental advantages, these farming systems can bring significant benefits both to the economy and the social cohesion of rural areas.
  • In turn, nutrient and energy cycling is increased and the retentive abilities of soil for nutrients and water are enhanced, compensating for the non-use of mineral fertilizers. Such management techniques also play an important role in minimisisng soil erosion degradation, promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity and this is accomplished by using on-farm agronomic, biological and mechanical methods in exclusion of all synthetic off-farm inputs
  • The substitution of chemical inputs in organic agriculture generally results in higher demand for labour in comparison with conventional agriculture and therefore, contribute to rural employment and help keep in business small farms which would otherwise not be able to cope with intensification and global competition.
  • Indigenous Technology in Agricultural practice to improve the quality and quantity of crop by low cost sustainable pest and diseases management methods and standardize the proportion of different ingredients by application of suitable proportion of chemical and organic dose as substitute of complete chemical fertiliser to reduce input cost and obtain high quality product which ultimately reduce credit dependence among the people  and improved access to market
  • Technology adopted in production of Organic inputs like  Azospillium, Azotobactor, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria through indigenous process and its proper adoption in Farmers Fields  through construction of  Organic compost  units  and Integrating farming model  technology  which creates Peoples’ consciousness towards not allowing indiscriminate application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides  and maintaining   environmental / ecological balance
  • Introduced Integrated farming models improved the agricultural production and resulted to an increase in income of the people for which engagement In Farming System among the people are increased .  Generally people engaged  in farming system from July – November (i.e5 month in a year )and after implementation  this model  they are   engaged in  farming  system from  January – April and July – December (i.e 10month in a year )
  • Adoption of IOFS (Integrated Organic Farming System ) to mitigate the anthropogenic agriculture and environmental pollution , enhancing water quality and renewability , increasing biodiversity and advancing food and nutritional security 
  • Organised need based training programme , skill development programme, awareness training programme  and distributed resource materials among the rural  society to upgrade their knowledge on current societal issues and improve  market linkage for selling  agricultural/ non agriculture   product to enhance their family income in collective ways by formation of SHG and FG
  • Bio-accumulation and bio-indication of heavy metal by fishes leads comparatively low risk Crop/Fish production ,Irrigated area will be increased through effective water harvesting technique & its proper utilization
  • Techniques like Phyto-extraction, Phyto-stabilization, Phyto-volatilization along bio-remediation in agriculture , Proper utilization of natural resources, multi farming system with emphasis on rotational cropping, inter-cropping to improve soil quality, safe crop production and lowering health hazards. will be effective to change land use pattern


(A)  Land, Building and Area Earmarked  For R &Activities  ( SOIL , WATER AND BIO-CONTROL )

Own registered office building with the facilities  of computers, Ac machines , accommodation and  training hall for functioning  official works. Besides it, Institute  itself is maintaining soil &bio-control laboratory for   regular examining the soil, water and  plant quality of the problematic areas particularly mangrove areas  of  Coastal belt and Laterite belts of the state and production of organic compost with improve quality and assess its efficacy at  field level ( Lab to Land Practice ) .


 Sl No



 No  of Unit


Distal water plant

Type of Model ::Wall mounting System , inner outer S/3 304, comprise of main chamber condenser tube . Jacket , Vapour buffer water lay out system



Colony Counter,

Type of Model :Digital Counter revels colonies of Bacteria clearly against a dark black ground. It is found the visibility so that very small colonies can be seen 4 digit



, Seed Cum Fertiliser Driller

Type of Model :5 Teeth – 10 pipe, 27 inch double hopper



Thresher ,

Type of Model ::Field Type( 7.5 – 10 Hp)drum diameter of 20 inches and had a speed of about 1000 rpm




Mechanical Shaker,

Type of Model :Digital RPM indicator 2 timer flask capacity 250ml X25 pcs




Horizontal Type of Model : Inner and outer S/S 304 with pressure gauge size 300 mn X500 mn 35 Ltrs size 12’X20’ 4 kw



Lenord Jar ,

Type of Model : 14000-18000 RPM approx 450 wall base aluminum coat external finished



Autoclave – vertical

, Type of Model :Inner and outer S/5304 5 to 20 Pound p/s9/inch radical cocking system



BOD incubator

, Type of Model: Incubator micro processor base controller inner chamber S/9 304 2outer body m/s. Temperature range 5 to 50 Degree Centigrade



Shaking Water Bath

Type of Model : Scillatoning frog is triding on ball roller 40 to 10 rpm



Powder Mixer,

Type of Model: Electrically operated to work on 230 volt A/ C , two stationary steel blades fitted on substation of cost Iron base



Mini pH meter

, Type of Model : Buffer soil Digital




Type of Model ,:Whirlpool , NEO DF258ROY35ALPHA STEEL




Type of Model : 061E000N001 IPAD Air 2 will cell 15GB Silve



Digital pH meter

Type of Model : 0-14 pH labtoni



Digital Conductivity Meter,

Type of Model : Digital Conductivity meter 0 to 1000 nth Labtonic



Electronic Microscope,

Type of Model : Mechanical stage &Lamp arrangement Olympus



Digital Colony Counter

, Type of Model: Labtronic range 0 to .0001



Flame Photometer ,

Type of Model : FP8400 Economic Entry level model



Centrifuge ,

Type of Model : Centrifuge Digital speed meter and timer, max speed 12000 rpm



Laminer Air Flow ,

Type of Model :DSX-D-1340 Double side vertical flow clean bench parameter




Type of Model:: UV Spectrophotometer Cuvettes & Accessories



Rotary Shaker,

Type of Model : 16 flask //;250mL digital optional




Type of Model: SSU :Bactorolgical Capacity : 1.6CU



 Soil Testing Kit

Local Made



 Water Testing Kit

Local  Made