Empowering communities, transforming lives.



About us

COMMUNITY FOR SOCIAL WORK (CSW) is a grass root peoples’ organization, committed to evolving an alternative path of development in India, based on the principles of peoples’ empowerment, equity and sustainability. We believe in the women empowerment and also the principles of gender equality and equity for the all-round global development. We have evolved a cohesive and unique culture of our own to protect children. Our organisation has successfully established a good relationship and effective linkage with democrative structures functions in all tiers, State Govt , Central Govt , Non Govts and a number of allied Institutions to interact ,share information and mobilise available resources for the poor and marginalised people of our area of operation.

Registered Society Under West Bengal Society Act

Registration No –  S/23928 of 1978-1979
Date Of Registration – 30.1.1979
NGO Darpan Unique  ID- WB/2015/0089410
PFMS Unique ID- csw


The overall objectives are to empower the poor people to manage their own community development activities by the end of their partnership with us

Liaison with Government Departments and Banks

People participation is every sphere of life was given due importance. In the rural areas holistic approach was undertaken for the integrated development

All the institutional based development programme also are linked with self Help Group

Efforts are on to organize the groups with the vegetable growers to assure the remunerative price and their economic development

To raise the status of the underprivileged, illiterate poor and backward people by way of motivation and human resources development, thus building a self-reliant society through efficient and effective utilization of local resources.

Empowering communities for a brighter future.